Окно души 2001 скачать бесплатно в хорошем качестве

Окно души

Janela da Alma
7.8/ 10
• Бразилия
Евген Бавчар, Раймунда да Консейсо Филья, Фелипе, Гэбриел, Арнальдо Годой, Уолтер Лима мл., Эрмето Паскаль, Джоао Убальдо Рибейро, Оливер Сакс, Вероника де Хесус Сантуш
Жуан Жардим, Валтер Карвалью

Nineteen people with differing degrees of visual impairment - from mild nearsightedness to total blindness - discuss how they see themselves, how they see others and how they perceive the world. Writer and Nobel laureate José Saramago, musician Hermeto Paschoal, filmmaker Wim Wenders, blind Franco-Slovenian photographer Evgen Bavcar, neurologist Oliver Sacks, actress Marieta Severo, blind city councilman Arnaldo Godoy, among others, make personal and surprising revelations about various aspects of vision - the physiological working of the eye; the use of glasses and what it means about personality; the meaning of seeing or not seeing in a world saturated by images; and, also, the importance of emotions in transforming reality if, that is, there is such a thing common to all. Unusual images, of burning trees or empty deserts, link the interviews, which vary from deep to funny to poetic.