Мэр Эдип 1996 скачать бесплатно в хорошем качестве

Мэр Эдип

Oedipo alcalde
6/ 10
• Испания, Мексика, Колумбия, Куба
Военный, Драма
Хорхе Перугоррия, Анхела Молина, Франсиско Рабаль, Хорхе Мартинес де Ойос, Хаиро Камарго, Мириам Колон, Хуан Себастьян Арагон, Армандо Гутиеррез, Марсела Агудело, Фабиана Медина
Хорхе Али Триана

The plague struck Thebes in the tragedy by Sophocles here is unparalleled violence; as; merciless in the Colombia today. Edipo; a young promoter of peace; is appointed mayor of a town sunk in misery and violence. Their first mission is to discover and punish the murderers of Layo; a known potentate of the region. His research is, then, to all armed factions that exist in Colombia; guerrilla groups; paramilitary bands; armed drug organizations, common criminals, repressive state forces, that in the classical Greek tragedy; the foreboding dream of Layo fulfilled; resulting Oedipus the killer of his own father; Layo; his mother's lover and father of her brother.