Хануман – король обезьян 1976 скачать бесплатно в хорошем качестве

Хануман – король обезьян

6.8/ 10
• Индия
Дара Сингх, Бисваджит, Моушуми Чаттерджи, Прем Нат, Сумитра Деви, Дулари, Jayshree Gadkar, Геркулес, Аланкар, Шахи Капур

Bhagwan Shri Bajrangbali was born in a Vanar family based in Kishigandha. His father was Pawan (God of Wind), and his mother Anjani. He had two brothers, Sugreev and Vali (aka Bali), and a nephew, Angadh, Vali's son. As a child Bajrangbali has always regarded the skies and universe as his playground and could leap and fly around at will, even swallowing the sun on one occasion. With powers to fly, enlarge his body, he makes himself virtually invulnerable. He obtains his training from Surya Dev, and as a fee for this training, he disciplines Shani Dev with the help of the now vanquished Mangal Dev. When Vali abducts Sugreev's wife and holds her captive, Anjani summons Bajrangbali, who with the help of now exiled Bhagwan Shri Ram, manages to kill Bali, ensures that Sugreev is reinstated as the King of Kishigandha, and then the entire Vanar and Vrush (bear) armies go to assist Ramji, whose wife, Devi Maa Sita, has been abducted by Shivbakht Ravan, and is being held captive in far off Lanka. Bajrangbali locates Sitaji, kills Akshaye, Ravan's son, mocks Ravan, and even sets Lanka afire, before returning back to Ramji, and tells him that he has 30 days to get Sita back before Ravan forcibly marries her. With Bhagwan Shri Shivji's blessings a bridge of floating rocks is constructed in order to enable Ram and his armies to attack Lanka, killing Ravan's huge brother, Khumbakaran; Laxman, who is the reincarnation of Sheshnag, kills Ravan's mighty son, Meghnath, without knowing that in a previous birth, he was Meghnath's wife, Subadhra's father; an angered Ravan mortally wounds Laxman, but Bajrangbali brings forth the Sanjeevani herb, along with the entire mountain, and Laxman gets a second life. Ten-headed Ravan is killed with Vibhison's (Ravan's estranged brother) assistance. Ramji then asks Sitaji to go through a Agni Parikhsha to ensure her purity, and that done they return home to Ayodhya. This is where Bajrangbali's body will be associated with Vermilion (Sindoor); Sitaji will find that his appetite is insatiable, and that Ramji cannot stay away from him too long. Tragic events will propel Ramji to expel a pregnant Sitaji from his kingdom forcing her to live in Sage Valmiki's Ashram where she will give birth to twins, Luv and Kush. Watch what happens when years later circumstances compel Ramji to take up arms against his devotee Bajrangbali himself.